Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My little itchy boy.

I have to say, off and on, we keep experiencing this new rash and with it comes extreme scratching. It is so difficult to watch your children experience any kind of discomfort.

I am really starting to believe that this is due to one of the foods, that came up in his panel, as a low level allergy. The doctors told us these could become worse.

The one that I am suspicious of, is another big one to me. It is wheat, holy cow, just saying it overwhelms me. I thought we had it hard with peanuts and tree nuts. If in fact these reactions are to wheat, things just got a whole lot more complicated in our world.

I do not know much about the wheat allergy yet, I have only began to do the research. We are scheduled in December for additional testing, in the meantime I am going to try eliminating foods and see if things clear up.

I am so glad there are so many avenues I can go down for help on this issue. Not to mention great ideas for foods all over the web. Today on ABCNews.com they have a Gluten Free Vanilla Cake Recipe, that even has a video to help prepare it. Allergic girl is talking about this recipe and site today also, check it out.

Now, to eliminate things a two year old has been eating, what fun it is going to be.


  1. My PA son has always been itchy and has had eczema since he was a few months old. I always find it very distressing or disturbing to watch him suffer with the "itchies". It is so hard to give him relief. Sometimes, he is constantly scratching at his neck, the collar of his shirt, his head, ankles. As far as we know, he is only allergic to peanuts. I wonder sometimes if there is another allergy. I hope not.

    It's even worse when they are as young as your son b/c you can't really talk to them about the "itchies" and explain why they have to try not to scratch. They just are so uncomfortable and want relief. Thank goodness Benadryl is OTC. Hope his rash will calm down soon.

  2. I just came across your blog, so hi!

    The little girl I nanny for is 3 and we don't give her anything with wheat in it at all. In fact I'm so used to gluten and wheat free foods, I cook like that for myself now!

    The stuff takes a while to get used to cooking, but most of it is really easy. And the stores sell a lot of gluten and wheat free foods now too!
    I have my favorite brands, etc so if you ever want some tips, I'll be happy to share some. I make some mean wheat/gluten free muffins :)

  3. Hi Elanie, did you test him on wheat? It will be a difficult one to deal with but hopefully, a good one to outgrow. Keep your hope up, it is an allergy season, hopefully it is from the environment

  4. I'm hoping your son's trouble is not wheat, but seasonal allergies (though those are no fun either.)

    My daughter has really been suffering this season with hers and even had to change medicines. Let us know what happens!

    Still, you're right, there are a lot of gluten-free recipes out there now. There's even a gluten-free bakery near my home. Check out "Allergic Living Magazine" also. If you sign up for their weekly e-mail, they send you allergy-free recipes, many of which are wheat-free!

    Good luck and keep us posted!
